Should you be selfish in business?

I believe that you should be selfish in business, but perhaps not in the way that you think.

When you set up your business you gave up regular income and security in order to run the business of your dreams. Your dreams may be similar to mine or perhaps not, but the point is that we want something out of our business in the form of work-life balance, profit, or passion.

And we should be selfish about structuring our business to achieve our personal goals.

I see far too many business owners who are working long hours for below minimum wage or just not enjoying whatever their business has become. Some of them come to me for coaching. They are worse off than if they had stayed in their imperfect employment and they need something to help them out of the rough and onto the fairway towards their original goal. (And there, as a non-golfer, my golfing analogies end!)

Are you where you want to be in your business? If yes then give yourself a round of applause, if not then reply to this email for news on our various coaching programmes.

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