
If you’re new to business, or even if you have a little more experience, there is still so much to think about to achieve the business that you first dreamt of. How can you grow your business? How much should you charge? How can you make more profit? How can you have a better work – life balance?

Hosted by our founder, Della Hudson FCA, one of the ‘Top 50 Women in Finance’ Minerva’s Money Matters webinars are free to all our clients. Small business owners can join us watching one of the ’20 Female Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2020′ and ask any questions on the topic of the evening.

Next Money Matters webinar:

Wednesday 18 September 2024 at 12pm (midday)

Pricing: how to charge what you’re worth

Are you working too many hours for too little return? Find out how you can charge what you’re worth. 

You work hard for your clients but never seem to have enough time to work on your own business, to implement that new bit of tech, or to get your marketing in order.

Join us for a FREE 30-minute session where we’ll get you on track to set and charge what you’re worth so that you can meet both your personal and business objectives.

Next webinar takes place at 12.00pm (midday) on Wednesday 18 September 2024

We won’t just be be educating you but we will also be contributing a day’s education to a Kenyan girl for each person who attends the webinar. We’d love you to make an additional donation too.

Other Money Matters webinar topics:

  • Preparing for 2024: how to makeover your business for the new year 
  • Pricing: how to charge what you’re worth. 
  • Starting a business 
  • Cashflow: where has all my money gone? 
  • 5 Profit Improvement Principles
  • Preparing for sale 
  • Keeping the plates spinning
  • Work-life balance: the impossible dream? 
  • Self-care: who takes care of the boss? 

Also available:

  • Business coaching

“Della’s book opened my eyes to areas of my business I could improve, after 5 years of running it. Enrolling on the accompanying course and learning direct from Della every month has helped me get better clarity on the options available to improve the running of my business. Plus the accountability to action these improvements have proved invaluable to pushing my business forward. Can’t recommend highly enough” – Sam N