When thinking about growth it is all too easy to focus on acquiring new customers. But it is important not to neglect our existing customers too.
Does your insurance company do the same as mine and offers better deals to new clients than to renewing ones. After I’ve shopped around and told them that I’m leaving they then offer to ‘match’ their competitor. At this point I’m already fed up with the extra work they’ve created for me so I want better than a matched deal. And yet, if they just had an inflationary increase each year, I’d save the time and effort of looking elsewhere and take the easy path of letting the policy renew automatically.
Selling commodities on price is (relatively) straight forward; save your best deals for your best clients. For services and higher value offerings it is as much about customer service as price.
Having taken great pains to ensure that we have the right clients on board it is a lot easier to look after them than to let them slip away while you’re busy courting newbies. Looking after your existing client base is much cheaper and easier than marketing to strangers.
– Set your service levels and then work on improving them
– Set fair price increases for all
– Consider giving a small treat to your loyal clients. This might be early access to a new service or just a simple thank you card.
Never forget that your clients CHOOSE to stay with you and they can also choose to leave.