Hope isn’t a business strategy

I see too many businesses set up full of hope but not much of a plan. We run strategy days for all sorts of business owners, including accountants, where we look at the following: 

  1. Services offered and what problems these solve 
  1. Business size and growth objectives 
  1. Geographic scope 
  1. Target market and competitors 
  1. Unique selling points 
  1. SWOT analysis 
  1. Financial plan (high level) 
  1. Personal objectives of the owner 

It is particularly important that you know how to identify your ideal client, how to approach them, and how to serve them so that they keep you coming back for more and referring you to everybody they know. 

Once you’ve got this knowledge you need to ACT on it because hope alone won’t get you the business that you want. 

So go ahead and think about your strategy or book a strategic planning day with us. 

The baby bear amount

Not too much, not too little, but just right.

If you’re reading this then you’re probably like me and read/watch a lot of other business advice books and other resources. Some appear to repeat the same ideas and other appear to offer exactly the opposite suggestions and sometimes it can be hard to figure out what is right for your business.

Should I invest in this course/software which will all but guarantee success or should I save my money and bootstrap? Although I’m generally in favour of wise spending I often have bootstrap moments.

Should I work longer hours just to ‘get ahead’ or would I be better off spending quality time resting like an athlete recovering from a sprint. After all, you can’t sprint a marathon.

You are not the same person as me and your business is not like mine. Mentoring can only get you so far by sharing my expertise. That’s why I’m so pleased that my qualification is coaching AND mentoring. People come to me for my expertise as a mentor who has been there, got the t-shirt and even written the book but the coaching techniques help me to focus on YOUR business for maximum impact. Together we can stop any prevarication, financial waste, and work out the best strategy and actions for your business.

When you’re running your own business it’s too easy to get bogged down in the day to day which is why I also use a business coach to help me view my business more objectively. So far, so good.

What else do you do to devise your business strategy and to keep on track between too much and too little, too sweet and too salty?